Sunday, March 21, 2010


So today I was watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels (Oh man I love me some Nick Simmons, but that's a different story), and Sophie wanted a tattoo and Gene said something to her and it was along the lines of, "you don't want to be one of those 40 or 50 year olds covered in tattoos." Well I hate when people say this. What is so wrong with getting tattoos and then being old and having them on your body?

First of all, if you are getting a tattoo you have to understand this is a commitment to yourself and your body.

Secondly, if you are getting a tattoo it should be something that holds a certain amount of significance to you. Whether that means a memorial tattoo, some sort of joke tattoo that you will always love having on your body or even just a cartoon that is meaningful to YOU. You are getting this tattoo for YOURSELF not for someone else, and if you are getting it for someone else then maybe you shouldn't be getting a tattoo.

Thirdly, oh man when you are that old who the hell is going to be looking at your body? You ever see the normal middle aged person? They don't walk around in short shorts, mini skirts or halter tops, at least I hope they don't.

I don't have any tattoos as of yet, because well...I just haven't had the money for it. But when I do and when I grow old I will be so proud and happy about my tattoos.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely with you on this on all aspects.
    I haven't gotten around to getting my own yet because I'm putting it off until I know it's something meaningful I really want and won't mind having when I'm 50. haha Plus I don't have the money either.
    Honestly though, if I see some older person with a tattoo, I def think bad ass. haha
